brainstorms [next bit]
notes and images found scattered across the ocean of bits.
35 Truths
Boku no mae ni michi wa nai
Boku no ushiro ni michi wa dekiru
"No path lies before me.
As I press on, behind me, a path appears."
The first two sentences of a Japanese poem 『道程』Dotei "Journey" by Kotaro Takamura. [Translation: Arthur Binard]
Calligraphy by Yoko Watanabe [MizaiSho]
quotes found in my notebooks
life is about growing up and not understanding things. -- eren yigit (age 6)
bloat is the enemy of promise. sadly, like supersized servings of greasy junk food, bloat sells. -- damien broderick
wisdom is one of the few things that looks bigger the further away it is. -- terry pratchett
practice doesn't make perfect, no matter what they say, but it sharpens our perception and improves our performance. -- david vestal
law and philosophy can't trump engineering. -- bruce sterling
audience boredom is usually a content failure, not a decoration failure. -- edward r. tufte
perl is a mistake, carried through to perfection. It is the language of the future for the problems of the past: it creates a new generation of coding bums. -- unknown
preoccupation with self is the greatest barrier to seeing, and the hardest one to break.-- freeman patterson
Waste indicates that you lack understanding, incorrect indicates that you lack attention to detail. -- eric naggum
an approximate answer to the right question is worth a great deal more than a precise answer to the wrong question. -- john tukey (1915-2000)
a six-sigma performance is, in fact, so unlikely that the tables in most statistics texts don't even include values for it. -- john allen paulos
a poorly made picture that moves us is worth hundreds of empty masterpieces of technique. -- david vestal
twitter thread, by timothy synder [author of "on tyranny" and "road to unfreedom"]
notes and quotes from various sources
“rulers divide the world into worthy and unworthy victims, those we are allowed to pity, such as Ukrainians enduring the hell of modern warfare, and those whose suffering is minimized, dismissed or ignored.” — chris hedges [“the greatest evil is war”]
"familiarity may breed contempt in some areas of human behaviour, but in the field of social ideas it is the touchstone of acceptability." -- john kenneth galbraith
“The problem with aging is not that it's one damn thing after another—it's every damn thing, all at once, all the time.” -- john scalzi ["old man's war"]
"we live in capitalism. its power seems inescapable. so did the divine right of kings. any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings." -- ursula k. le guin
“… NIST databases foreshadow the emergence of a logic that that has now thoroughly pervaded the tech sector: the unswerving belief that everything is data and is there for the taking.” — kate crawford [“atlas of AI”]
"As someone raised to respect self-education, I find it sad that I now shudder when people tell me they have done their “own research,” a sure sign they’ve been sucked through a conspiratorial pipeline and come out the other side covered in hogwash.” — Astra Taylor
"Gender marketing reinforces limitations.” — terry o’reilly [“under the influence“]
"That little bit of a thing that you read through and say "I know all that" and throw on a shelf. It's the thing that the visiting sensei refers to when he says "have you read the book?" about two minutes into the seminar. Don't read it, study it." -- Kim Taylor Sensei
"Error, the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan said, is the site of truth far more than correctness. We are never closer to the real than when we are making mistakes, sometimes especially when we realize we are making them." -- Mark Kingwell
assorted notes and quotes from various sources
"What goes too long unchanged destroys itself." -- Ursula K. Le Guin
They said, "You have a blue guitar,You do not play things as they are."
The man replied, "Things as they are
are changed upon the blue guitar."
— “The Blue Guitar” by Wallace Stevens
"dependency hell" is such a lame phrase for what should be minimally described as "unspeakable life destroying dependency chainsaw horror fiesta"
good observations from the surface of the net
“As artists, our job is to look where others don’t. This responsibility becomes even more important at times when we are told to look away.” -- Alfonso Cuarón
"A subject is scientifically controversial when actively debated by legions of scientists, not when actively debated by the public, the press, or by politicians." -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
Americans: "everything in Australia can kill you."
“Racism is not merely a simplistic hatred. It is, more often, broad sympathy toward some and broader skepticism toward others.” -- ta-nehisi coates
“History has had its ways of teaching once-dominant "exceptionalist" nations harsh lessons, but as this involves a span of generations, citizens of those "empires" often haven't been able to perceive it happening.” — william gibson
body lets down the mind,
mind lets down the body.
it comes to us all.
— jocelyn knight [“broadchurch”]
"Fundamentalism is authoritarian by definition–it accepts a vision of “the Truth” that is sacrosanct, unquestionable, and, when found to be incompatible with reality, protected through the generation of “alternative facts,” which themselves become unassailable truths within the enclave community that is built up to sustain the fundamentalism in question." -- christopher stroop ["Educated Evangelicals, Academic Achievement, and Trumpism: On the Tensions in Valuing Education in an Anti-Intellectual Subculture"]
“The main thing we learn from studying history is that nobody ever learns anything from studying history. Not long-term, I mean, not longer than people who are in a position to do things can remember the previous round. Or, the lessons of WW2 are gone, gone, gone. Let alone Rome.” — Harry Turtledove
"if it's not worth doing, it's not worth doing well." -- donald hebb
"Someone tweeted to me that my father “didn’t offend people.” At the time Daddy was killed, a poll reflected that he was the most hated man in America. Most hated. Many who quote him now & use him to deter justice would likely hate him too if they truly studied #MLK" -- Bernice King